In this third installment of the series, Lori Dudley demonstrates and narrates a pregnancy massage. Working along with Lori will help you learn to provide a therapeutic and comforting massage to your expectant clients.
Pregnancy, though a normal condition, puts unique stressors on a woman’s musculoskeletal system. This massage sequence addresses many of the common discomforts experienced by pregnant women and leaves your client relaxed and rejuvenated.
Lori demonstrates methods used in a pregnancy massage which include:
· The pre-massage interview
· Contraindications and risk factors
· Draping the pregnant client
· Proper client placement for comfort and safety
· The use of pillows, wedges, and bolsters
The demonstration is divided into three segments, which can be accessed by the menu for review. Also, the narrated sequences of the massage are paired with illustrations of muscles and bony prominences to clarify hand placement and massage movements.
Through this strong framework, you will build confidence, and cultivate your own style and quality of touch. Your pregnant clients will appreciate your skill, becoming repeat clients during and after their special time.